Motorcycle Riders Can Face Long-Term Complications from Road RashRiding a motorcycle can feel so exciting and liberating. However, it can have its moments of horror. Imagine this: as you were driving on the highway, you found yourself in a situation that you had always feared. While driving along, not far from your exit, a car didn’t realize you were in their blind spot and changed lanes. They made contact with you, and the impact caused both you and your bike to skid about 25 feet. Thankfully, you were wearing a helmet, but that did not protect you from all types of injuries.

After you regain your footing, you realize that you’re pretty okay aside from a few patches of road rash. That’s not so bad, right? Unfortunately, road rash can come along with some pretty scary complications—and you may need the help of an experienced Knoxville motorcycle accident attorney to get compensated for your pain and suffering.

What exactly is “road rash” anyway?

Road rash is not just a regular scratch or scrape. It occurs when your soft skin comes into contact with the rough and bumpy road—and it can be pretty painful. In fact, there are three levels, and each one is more serious than the last:

First-degree road rash

You may feel mild pain or discomfort, but it’s not too intense with first-degree road rash. To treat it, gently clean the affected area with mild soap and water, just like you would when washing your hands. Then, protect it with a special dressing or a bandage that won’t stick to the skin. Finally, you can apply an ointment that you can buy at the store, which helps prevent any infections from happening. With good care and keeping everything clean, it usually takes about 1 to 2 weeks for the road rash to heal and for your skin to get better.

Second-degree road rash

With second-degree road rash, you may experience heightened pain, tenderness, and swelling. Additionally, minor bleeding is possible which requires more attention and care. These types of road rashes need to be thoroughly cleaned and bandaged in order to prevent infection and promote healing. The healing duration for second-degree road rash varies, with an approximate time frame of 2 to 4 weeks or longer, contingent upon the severity of the wounds. While this seems like something you can take care of yourself, it is crucial to seek the guidance of a healthcare professional, who possesses the expertise to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of these injuries.

Third-degree road rash

If you get a third-degree road rash, you may experience a high level of pain and discomfort. Moreover, the injuries inflicted may be more than just surface-level, potentially affecting the muscles, tendons, or even the integrity of bones. In such critical situations, seeking immediate medical attention or contacting emergency services is necessary. Medical professionals will meticulously clean the wounds, ensuring a thorough removal of damaged tissues or debris. Depending on the extent of the injuries, stitches, skin grafts, or other surgical procedures may also be necessary. You may also require prescription medications, specifically for pain management and infection prevention, to alleviate suffering and reduce the risk of complications. This level of road rash may take anywhere from several weeks to months to heal.

Road rash can have devastating complications

Whether a victim got immediate medical treatment or not, road rash injuries can have long-term consequences that extend beyond the initial pain and discomfort. As a motorcycle accident victim, it is crucial to understand the potential complications that may arise from road rash and seek appropriate legal guidance to secure the compensation you deserve. Some of the significant long-term complications associated with road rash are:

  • Infection – The risk of bacterial infection is a primary concern when dealing with road rash injuries. Due to the exposure of underlying tissues, the wounded areas are vulnerable to infection. Prompt and proper medical care, including cleansing, debridement, and the administration of antibiotics, is crucial to mitigate this risk.
  • Scarring – These types of injuries can also result in the development of hypertrophic or keloid scars, which may be aesthetically displeasing and cause emotional distress. Seeking compensation can help cover the costs associated with necessary treatments such as scar revision surgeries or cosmetic procedures.
  • Nerve damage – Nerve damage can cause a loss of sensation in the affected areas. This sensory impairment can have a significant impact on your daily life, making it difficult to perform tasks and enjoy activities you did before. Chronic pain and discomfort may persist with nerve damage, further affecting your quality of life.
  • Mobility limitations – The extent of road rash injuries can result in functional limitations, affecting your mobility and range of motion. This can lead to stiffness, joint problems, or muscle weakness, making it challenging to perform routine activities which can impact your ability to work, participate in recreational hobbies, or engage in everyday tasks.
  • Emotional trauma – The emotional distress and trauma caused by the accident and its aftermath can be overwhelming. From anxiety and depression to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the psychological toll can be significant. Seeking professional help and support is crucial for a victim’s mental well-being.

Protective gear may help prevent serious injuries in a motorcycle wreck

Using appropriate protective gear while riding a motorcycle can be incredibly helpful for keeping riders safe in the event of a crash. Helmets, jackets, pants, and gloves work to protect the head and skin from serious injuries or deep cuts and abrasions. By wearing protective gear like this, riders will minimize the risks of sustaining severe injuries, including road rash, and reduce the likelihood of long-term effects. While you can’t control other negligent drivers, you can be in control of your safety by taking the extra step to protect yourself with the proper riding gear.

Even the most minor of road rash injuries can develop long-term complications which can completely alter your life. In the face of the daunting legal challenges that arise from this, it is essential to have a trusted ally by your side. An experienced motorcycle accident attorney will be able to help you determine an appropriate amount of compensation based on your injuries, medical treatment, and future care.

If you were injured in a Knoxville accident, the skilled attorneys at Banks and Jones possess the knowledge, experience, and unwavering commitment to guide you through the journey, from investigating the accident and gathering evidence to negotiating with insurance companies and representing you in court. With their comprehensive understanding of personal injury law and their dedication to achieving favorable outcomes, we’re ready to advocate for you and diligently work to secure the compensation you deserve. Call our office or fill out our contact form today to schedule a free consultation.