Unique Dangers for Female DriversDriving any sort of vehicle poses some sort of risk, simply because of the nature of the activity. Controlling a giant metal deathtrap on wheels will, inevitably, trap some death. That’s why laws, regulations, safety features, and overall standards of care are always changing and improving wherever and whenever possible. Ideally, there would be no risk! After all, many of us have no choice but to drive every day. Wouldn’t it be nice if you were truly immune to car accidents?

Of course it would be. As of right now, however, that’s not a thing, and therefore driving always carries some modicum of risk. For some drivers, though, they may be privy to a higher level of risk than the rest of the population — and not because of their driving skill. Female drivers are likelier to get seriously injured in a car accident, for example. Not likelier to get into one, likelier to be hurt in a severe, life-altering way. Until this can be prevented, female drivers should know how to protect their finances and rights in the case of a collision so they can focus on recovery. And, of course, before this can be prevented, it needs to be understood.

Why, really, do female drivers tend to get worse injuries than males?

This is not an excuse for misogyny. Almost all women have heard the tired jokes about their supposed and collective lack of driving skills, but that’s not actually based in reality. What is based in reality, however, is that female drivers are likelier to be significantly injured or killed in a car accident than male drivers. As true as this may be, we still don’t really understand why that is, because we’re only figuring it out fairly recently. Research is still ongoing by different entities all over the globe.

But we do have statistics, and from those statistics we can draw reasonable conclusions and probable theories until one is definitively proven or discovered. One prevailing theory with its own science behind it is that the crash test dummies used today are to blame — at least partially. The idea is simple: all the dummies being tested on are male, even the supposed “female” ones. They’re with a typical man’s size and weight and build, and therefore safety features are meant to protect that more than, say, someone lighter and smaller with a different bone density.

It’s easy to see where that could cause some problems. While crash test dummies have certainly come a long way from what they used to be, they also seem to still have quite a ways to go (if they don’t, you know, crash first).

Not everyone is convinced this is the primary reason, however. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety also agrees that women are likelier to be severely wounded in a car accident, but their own studies seem to show that the safety tests done today benefit everyone more-or-less equally. From what they can tell, the phenomenon has two simple explanations: women typically drive lighter, smaller cars and men usually cause the accidents, meaning they’re usually in the “safer” position. It’s more dangerous to be hit by a car than to do the hitting, in other words.

Whatever the reason ends up being, hopefully it’s figured out as quickly as possible so it can be fixed. As attorneys, we like having clients, but as people — well, we’d prefer you to not be seriously injured at all.

How can a Knoxville car accident attorney help?

Car accidents are dangerous no matter who you are. They’re also incredibly expensive from which to recover, but that’s only if no one takes any steps to protect their finances and get reimbursed for their pain and suffering. Remember that the fallout of a car accident can last for weeks, months, years, or even the rest of your life if the injuries and other consequences are severe enough. Some of the most common car accident injuries require expensive (and extensive) treatments, surgeries, and even some lifelong accommodations and assistance:

  • Broken or crushed bones (which may require reconstructive surgery or amputation)
  • Traumatic brain injuries (including coma)
  • Spinal cord injuries (different levels of paralysis, amongst other issues)
  • Heart attacks
  • Any burn injuries if the car ignites or comes in contact with hazardous materials
  • Internal organ damage (possibly requiring a transplant)
  • Muscle, ligament, and tissue damage (although sometimes more minor at first, these injuries can turn into agony with age and use)
  • Nerve damage

Everyone is different, and thankfully, not every car accident is severe. But enough of them are — especially for female drivers — that you should still be aware of the risks around you. Awareness breeds carefulness, and while this cannot guarantee you won’t be hit by another negligent driver, it can still lessen the chances of that happening. If you’re paying attention to the road, you can see the lunatic swerving towards you out of the blue.

If an accident happens anyway and you find yourself injured due to the bad driving of another party, you do not have to fold and use up your savings just to survive. This is when you look for legal representation that knows how to go after the person responsible for your accident and make them pay — literally — for what they did. This means not only getting compensated for car repairs, lost wages, and pain and suffering, but getting compensated for all medical expenses relating to your injuries for as long as you need.

It can’t undo what happened to you, but it can give you the freedom to focus on yourself without worrying about astronomical hospital bills you should never have in the first place. No matter how complicated you think your case is, take it to a professional who can look at it from a legal point of view and tell you what can actually be done — and then help you do it.

At Banks & Jones, our Knoxville car accident attorneys have years of experience doing just that, and we can do it for you too. This is about justice, yes, but it’s mostly about making sure you and your family have the means and freedom to move on from such a traumatic event. To get started today for free, call us at 865-546-2141  or use our contact form.